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Open Access Colonoscopy Program


Yi Zheng MD Gastroenterology offers the Open Access Colonoscopy Program. The program is designed to allow healthy patients without significant gastrointestinal symptoms to have a colonoscopy without the inconvenience of a preliminary office visit. This is an easier, faster process designed for patients who have few ongoing medical problems and who are not taking many medications. If you have recently had a thorough physical examination by your physician and you need a first-time screening colonoscopy, we can often streamline the process for you by getting you in for this procedure very quickly without the extra time and expense spent for an office visit.

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What are the Open Access candidate qualifications?


  • Patients who are age 45 or over

  • Patients who are not taking many medications

  • Have insurance that doesn't require pre-authorization

  • Patients with strong family history of Colon Cancer (priority screening)

Business Morning

What are the Pro’s of The Open Access Program?


  • Receiving a screening colonoscopy and skipping the inconvenience of an initial office visit

  • By eliminating this office visit, the qualified patient saves time AND a co-pay

  • For referring physicians, this program encourages undecided patients; to go ahead and schedule the procedure

On the Phone

For questions regarding Open Access Colonoscopy, discuss this option with your physician or you may call our office at (925) 384-9276 and ask for the Open Access Colonoscopy option, or email us at

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